Homemade Caramel Sauce

There are endless possibilities with caramel sauce: Caramel-Sauce-from-@createdbydiane

You will want a jar on hand at all TIMES.

It’s a perfect topping on ice cream, cake, cookies, pie, apples, and well just about anything you can dunk into it.

If you love salted caramel (like me) just add salt and viola…

you have the coveted TRENDY salted caramel.


I myself flounder with liking what’s trendy.

Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don’t.

I don’t like that the 80’s high waited jeans are coming back in style,

but I do like when wide legged pants are back in.

I don’t like pants hanging off kids @$$es but like the new short haircut on boys with it long on top.

But if you ask your kids where the haircut came from and they tell you it’s a singer and you look it up,

well if you are like me, you probably won’t like the song or video that has  575,548,095 on youtube!

Sometimes trendy is over-rated.

Like reality TV

I’m over it and I have been ever since The Real World.

I’d like to see something new on TV, really I would Fall is almost upon us and I’m hoping there will be some new show for me to like.


Whether you like your caramel, the trendy salted way, or the good old fashioned not too salty way, this really is a must-make!

You wouldn’t want there to be a big bowl of dessert and no caramel sauce would you?

Not me!


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Homemade Caramel Sauce


  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract


  • place heavy cream, milk, sugar and butter into medium saucepan,
  • heat on medium stirring so it won't burn.
  • Cook until it's thick and coats the back of a spoon about 5 minutes
  • add in vanilla and salt
  • heat for another minute to two until thickens
  • remove from stove
  • store in airtight jar in fridge
  • If you want salted caramel add an additional teaspoon of salt after it's cooked.

caramel sauce

I drizzled some of the caramel sauce over a brand new recipe, I have coming up soon… Doesn’t it look good?

The rest, well I’ve pretty much been eating it by the spoonful 馃檪

*See I used a smiley, that’s trendy and well I’m happy and I like smileys!







    1. thanks for catching that, yes…#4 add vanilla and salt. I adjusted the recipe to reflect the change.

  1. 5 stars
    Curious do you think I would be able to hot water bath this to seal and keep longer on the shelf and give away for gifts at Christmas? Love this recipe! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I wish I knew more about canning to answer your question, but if you have canned before…I’m sure with a little help from Google you’ll be able to find that info out. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

  2. I’ve been stirring & stirring and it’s still very thin. Hasn’t thickened up and it’s been way over 5 minutes. Any clues?


    1. It will thicken as it cools, does it coat the back of the spoon when you dip a spoon in and lift it out? Then it’s done.

    2. Thanks. It did thicken. But now there is another problem. As it cooled after using it, it got kinda crystallized. I reheated to use again and it wasn’t a nice smooth creamy texture. Any clues on that?

  3. I just came across your Apple Cake recipe and followed the link to this recipe for caramel sauce. It looks like one I’d like to make. HOWEVER, after a miserable experience TRYING to eat one of my all time very favorite things in the culinary world ever since I was a small wee thing, about two summers ago, after taking a big bite of a beautiful, luscious, delicious caramel apple at our small town yearly carnival, I was socked with a REVOLTING hit of INTENSE salt. Now I normally like the combination of salty and sweet together. I used to be one of those kids at a birthday party would eat the little square of Neapolitan ice cream with my potato chips.

    However, this caramel apple was SO salty it almost made me gag. I’m not sure if the person somehow thought THIS was what “salty” caramel was suppose to be or if it was just an accidental infusion of masses of salt into the recipe by accident that was never suppose to be there. I’ll never find out but it sure did a number on me. So even this tiniest amount of 1/8 teaspoon makes me want to ask. (and I think I know the answer to this but I need to doublecheck). Is this salt added into the recipe as the standard, normal “flavor enhancer” as it is often added into sweets…or…will this tiny amount make this into “salted caramel”? I thought a salted caramel was basically a normal caramel with a light sprinkling of a nice sea salt sprinkled over the finished caramel item. Should I leave in the salt or take it out?

    1. since you have an eversion to salt in sweets, I would suggest you make it with no salt. This caramel is regular caramel. There is a note about making it “salted caramel” If after you make it you decide it’s overly sweet add a small amount of salt (1/8 teaspoon to start) and try it to see if you like it, then add more if needed.

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