Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade

Lavender Lemonade @createdbydiane

Oh my goodness summer is just flying by.

Only a couple more weeks and my kids will be back in school.

I want summer break to be longer, who exactly do I contact about that! It seems like just when the weather is heating up around here the kids all head back to school and well…..

by the time they get home each day they look completely exhausted.
What ever happened to going back to school just after labor day?
I really this I’d like that option better, and so would they.

I haven’t seen many lemonade stands this summer, my kids haven’t even had one!

What has summer come to….

there has been no ice cream man driving by ringing his bell, no lemonade stands???

Well, I am putting an end to this ridiculousness and…

making you a new lemonade, it is super delicious and my new favorite treat!


lavender simple syrup

all good lemonade starts with simple syrup,

yes I went and said it and in only a few minutes it takes to boil the water and sugar,

you will have wonderful lemonade guaranteed. (ok well guaranteed in my opinion 馃檪

Lavender simple syrup @createdbydiane

I boil the sugar and water with the lavender and then strain off the lavender pieces before adding the fresh squeezed lemon juice and remaining water.

Lavender Lemonade Recipe @createdbydiane



You can top the lemonade off with some fresh lavender pieces they are so pretty, and lemon slices sure to make for cute straw holders so your straw stays still and doesn’t swirl all over the glass!

Lavender Lemonade in 1/2 gallon canning jar @createdbydiane


I made a few batches and in lieu of having a lemonade stand, I delivered some 1/2 gallon canning jars full to some friends.

I just love these 1/2 gallon canning jars, they fit great in the fridge and make perfect gifts if you ask me!

lavender lemonade


If you’re looking to purchase lavender online HERE is some I found. I buy it both online and in stores nearby. There is a little lavender shop near me that sells lavender EVERYTHING, I often find the best gifts there even some for me!

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Lavender Lemonade


  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice I used 3 large lemons, sometimes it takes more lemons if they are smaller or less juicy
  • 1 teaspoon lavender
  • 6 cups water


  • Place water and sugar in a medium saucepan, add lavender and bring to a boil.
  • Turn burner off and let "simple syrup" cool.
  • Squeeze lemons and strain out pits.
  • Pour syrup into a 1/2 gallon container straining out the lavender, add lemon juice and water, then stir.
  • Serve over ice.
  • If you are serving it in a drink dispenser for a party, you can add more fresh lavender on top as it will stay purple in color and look pretty and add lemon slices if desired.



Blueberry Syrup

Cherry Syrup

Apple Cinnamon Syrup

Chocolate Syrup

Lavender Syrup

Lemon Syrup

Coffee Syrup

Pineapple Syrup

Maple Syrup

Peach Syrup




    1. I think I’ll live with my head in the sand until the day before they go back! For me summer isn’t over until we get the first colder day and have to put on a pair of jeans and a jacket, until them it’s flip flops and tank tops 馃檪

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