Strawberry Lemonade

Strawberry LemonadeKick back and enjoy a glass of strawberry lemonade

That is exactly what is on my agenda for at least 15 minutes tomorrow. The weather is warming up and taking a break sounds really good right now. How is it that as the weather gets warmer there is so much more to do in a day. I’m exhausted just thinking about what tomorrow will bring, so I’m making a plan now. I will be sitting in a lounge chair at some point tomorrow doing nothing else but enjoying this summer drink and relaxing.

What will you be doing tomorrow? Are you planning a busy or relaxing day

Maybe you need to plan a few minutes to just sit and enjoy too.

Strawberry Lemonade

6 strawberries

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup warm water (do dissolve sugar)

two lemons (juiced)

Blend all together, strain. Add three cups water and pour over ice and enjoy!



  1. Yum. Love strawberries, love lemon.
    We should have a nice crop of strawberries this year so I’ll remember to try this, sounds delicious.

    1. I tried growing strawberries at my house, it’s so hot here in the summer, I think it fries them!

  2. Love the presentation of this refreshing drink. Hope you are able to enjoy more than one over the weekend!

    1. I’m now wondering where the weekend went! I did have one glass and sat out under an umbrella, but the time flew by. Hope you are having a wonderful week Paula!

  3. Thanks so much for this!! My daughter has been bugging me to make pink lemonade with her, so I came across this on my google reader today and I’m DEFINITELY making this! Sounds so refreshing and I have many lemons I need to use up! How fun. Thanks, again!!

  4. Strawberry lemonade is one of my favorite beverages, though I like it a bit on the chunky side(even though the straw gets clogged sometimes:)).

    1. I do too, I saw milkshake straws a couple weeks ago and should have got them, just for this 馃檪

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