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Christmas Crack


  • 16 oz pretzel sticks
  • 20 oz chopped chocolate
  • 2 cups butter
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1/4 cup sprinkles


  • Lay pretzels flat on a 1/2 sheet pan.
  • Boil butter and sugar until it reaches 298 degrees on a candy thermometer.
  • Pour toffee over pretzels and spread smooth with an offset spatula.
  • Melt chocolate in a double boiler.
  • Then pour chocolate over the toffee and smooth out with an offset spatula.
  • shake sprinkles on top of the chocolate.
  • Let the chocolate and toffee cool completely before cutting.
  • Cut or break apart toffee and get everyone addicted to this, it will only take one piece I'm sure!


I used a block of chocolate that is for candy making, I find it doesn't have a waxy coating like chocolate chips and tempers easily, so when the toffee is set up, the chocolate will no be soft at room temperature.
I used to place it in the fridge to speed up the process of cooling but found it didn't work as well as I thought. The chocolate can separate from the toffee.